October 7, 2021
COVID-19 Vaccination Toolkit
This document is a compilation of resources that address vaccine hesitancy and access for AANHPI communities, particularly focused on providing linguistically and…
Health Policy Series
A series examining the impact of public policy on health care and the health of Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities with a particular focus on health disparities and equity.
AANHPI Interview Series
This interview series shares the stories of researchers, policymakers, community-based organizations, and other experts on health-related topics that affect the AANHPI community. Each interview is divided into subtopics that can be accessed using the table of contents at the beginning of the transcript. We hope that as these individuals share about their work and their journeys, it will inspire APAMSA members and demonstrate what it looks like to have a career in health advocacy.
#APAMSA Advocates
Welcome to #APAMSAAdvocates, a series of interviews highlighting Asian/Pacific Islander American advocates in healthcare to inspire and inform APAMSA members and help us envision a future in advocacy.