APAMSA Chapters

Active Chapters
Get connected to APAMSA members by joining your region’s Facebook Group. You can also take a look at what other Regions are doing via their groups!
- Region 1/2
- Region 3
- Region 4
- Region 5
- Region 6
- Region 7
- Region 8
- Region 9
Chapter Information
Here’s some information regarding APAMSA chapters to get started!
Monthly Chapter Captures
Maintain active status for your chapter by submitting our chapter’s activity for each month.
Chapter Fundraising
See how you can establish a budge, get grants/sponsors, fundraising ideas, and finding partners.
Chapter Events
Check out our compilation of past events based on monthly chapter capture submissions.
Other Chapter Resources
APAMSA Introduction
- What is APAMSA?
- APAMSA’s Health Initiatives
- Sample Recruitment Poster (coming soon)
Design Assets
Contact us for official APAMSA logo assets via
Chapter FAQs
Listed below are the steps for initiating a new APAMSA chapter. Once you complete the pertinent items, you will receive a Confirmation Notification and Welcome Email with further information about APAMSA, as well as chapter resources on both the national and local platforms. Moreover, once you become an activated chapter, you will become eligible for grants and chapter awards from National APAMSA.
1. New Chapter Charter (DOWNLOAD) – submit to Membership Directors at
2. New Chapter Sample Constitution (DOWNLOAD) – submit to Membership Directors at
3. Activation Fee: Pay $100 via a check addressed to The Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association Inc. and please contact our Chief Financial Officer ( for the mailing address. If you’d like to pay via Paypal (, please send $102.95 ($100+$2.95 processing fee) to
4. Leadership Update – Complete this form with all the chapter officers in order to receive our chapter leader newsletter.
If you are establishing a pre-medical APAMSA chapter, you can reach the pre-med directors ( and also follow the Pre-Med APAMSA FB page
We welcome you to the APAMSA family and look forward to working with you soon!
Feel free to contact the Membership Vice Presidents with any questions at
Chapters become deactivated when chapters fail to submit 3 consecutive chapter captures and requires a reactivation fee of $50 to become active again.
Our reactivation fee is not meant to hinder your chapter from reactivating with us, but it is a requirement that we enforce in order to make sure chapters commit to reactivating and staying active. Because any activity that an inactive APAMSA chapter conducts is a representation of the national organization, it is important for us to maintain frequent communication with and receive regular updates from an active chapter.
1. Reactivated Chapter Charter (DOWNLOAD) – submit to Membership Directors at
2. Reactivated Chapter Sample Constitution (DOWNLOAD) – submit to Membership Directors at
3. Reactivation Fee: Pay $50 via Paypal ( by sending payment to; if you would like to mail a check, please contact our Chief Financial Officer (
4. Leadership Update – Complete this form with all the chapter officers in order to receive our chapter leader newsletter.
During this chapter reactivation process, we encourage you to seek out faculty advisers and apply for renewed recognition from your school’s student government/ student affairs office. This will enable you to apply for funding and receive support from your school for activities once your chapter is approved.
- National Network – You will be connected with the national APAMSA network of 5,000+ students and physicians. We send out regular newsletters, connect you with regional chapters and national members, and help you spread the work that you do locally through our social media platforms such as our Facebook Page.
- Funding – We offer several grants for chapter events such as Hepatitis Screenings and Community Health Fairs. We also offer travel stipends for some of our conferences.
- Social/Collaborative Events – APAMSA has many chapters across your region that you can collaborate and interact with as an official chapter.
- Chapter Support – We have many National Board members who are here to help your chapter with a variety of events and ideas- from mental health initiatives and health screenings to global health opportunities and alumni networking.
- Chapter Awards – Your chapter will become eligible for Chapter Awards at our annual APAMSA National Conference.
We suggest having a fundraiser, collecting fees from members, or request funding from your school’s Diversity Office/Office of Student Affairs. We can provisionally activate your chapter and you will have 3 months to submit the reactivation fee to us. If you still have trouble raising this money, then please email us ( explaining your circumstances and we will consider it on a case by case basis.
For step-by-step instructions on how to transition your local leadership please click here.
All local chapters (med/premed) are now required to have at least 1 service event each
year in order to remain an active chapter. The service year starts on March 1st of each
For more information, please refer to the Monthly Chapter Capture form.