Dear APAMSA family:
In honor of the one year anniversary of the tragedy in Atlanta, GA on March 16, 2021 – we remember the lives of those lost. We also recognize that more action is needed, and APAMSA is committed to advocating for our members and our communities in years to come.
Inspired by your advocacy, we released our National APAMSA Anti-Asian Racism Toolkit one year ago today.
This toolkit, intended to guide individuals and chapters to advocate within their institutions and to collaborate for large-scale change, includes:
Chapter resources
Social media infographics
Partner organizations and contacts
Template letter for requesting institutional support, including National APAMSA-endorsed demands
…and will be continually updated in response to your needs and national events.
Follow this link to request access to the Toolkit.
Not sure how to get started? We’ll be holding a workshop on how to apply these tools at your institution – date/time to be announced soon!
In solidarity,
Your National APAMSA Board