Welcome to the APAMSA Advocacy Toolkit!

We have created this toolkit with the aim of providing resources to equip AANHPI medical students around the country with knowledge and tools to address causes relevant to our communities. This toolkit contains both general resources for performing advocacy and resources tailed towards specific issues relevant to AANHPI health and medical professionals. 

We want this to be a starting point for advocacy—a way to inspire and spark conversations and action—rather than a comprehensive list, and as such, we aim for this page to be a living document for us to continue building upon as our needs evolve and grow. We hope this toolkit can serve local chapters seeking ways to implement advocacy in your respective communities and contexts, and we would especially appreciate your input in determining how this toolkit can best serve you. 

If you have suggestions for additional content or resources to add to this toolkit, please fill out this form or get in touch with us at meded@apamsa.org.


Join us in advocacy